Wednesday, June 29, 2011

30 days of me

Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one

When I was pregnant with Bug, I got pretty involved with the BabyCenter forums, and all the drama that entails. If you’ve never been to the forums, I highly recommend it! You thought your high school had drama, that’s nothing compared to BabyCenter!

Anyway, I was noticing in the signatures of several posters, there would be web addresses. I was confused. What, all these moms have their own websites? Doesn’t that cost money? Aren’t websites only for businesses?

I had no idea.

Actually, let me back up a bit. Years ago, before I met The Agent, I dated a guy who was kind of a computer nerd, and he made a website for me. It was lame. It said something like “welcome to Lovely’s website” and it had a couple of pictures. I was not under any illusion that anyone was actually visiting the website.

So, as I said, I saw all these website addresses under the signatures of other forum members, and one day, I clicked on one. Thus, opened the world of blogging for me. I was already blogging at the time-- I didn’t call it that, but I was journaling on Myspace and people were reading it. Same thing.

So, I read some of these blogs, and I thought, “Hey, I can do that!”

I wrote my first post in June of 2007. At first, they were mostly fictional pieces, written sporadically. I didn’t start writing regularly until almost a year later, when we were preparing for our first adoption.

And the rest is history.

More 30 days of me:
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten

Day Eleven

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1 comment:

  1. Do you ever feel that blogging is already a thing of the past or not really?


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