Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Writer's Workshop-- Pet Peeves

Mama’s Losin’ It

The Topic:
Name a pet peeve you have about how other parents raise their kids. Go on…stir the pot.

I try to stay out of other people's business, parenting wise. Hey, they're your kids, raise them how you want. However, there are few infractions that I cannot not let go.... 

1. Smoking in an enclosed space, with your children in the room. Smoking in general is gross. Smoking with your children in the near vicinity (like, say, your WOMB), is a death sentence. It is against the law in California for an adult to smoke in a car with a child under 12. I don't know if this law is in every state, but it should be. 

2. Not requiring that your toddler be in a carseat. I was in the drive thru at Starbucks on Sunday. There was a little girl in the car in front of me, poor thing couldn't have been more than two years old. Not only was she not in a car seat, she wasn't even wearing a seat belt. She was climbing all through the car while her mother was ordering a skinny vanilla latte. I wanted to take a picture on my phone, but I was afraid the woman would see me and beat me up. I'm kind of a sissy la la. 

3. Swearing in front of your child. I have been known to spout a few Sugar Honey Iced Teas in front of the kids, but I try not to go overboard. I don't like when people use obscenities in their every day vocabulary. C'mon, guys. Show your intelligence. Think of a different adjective. But it really irks me when people describe their children with obscenities, as in "the little shit wrote on the walls." Really? That's what you think of your babies? 

4. Smacking your children in public. I get it. Your kids are crazy. Mine are, too. But don't make me and everyone else uncomfortable. Beat your kids in the privacy of your own home. 

5. Lack of discipline in public. OK, so don't beat your kids. But don't let them just run crazy in public, either. Rein them in a little, teach them a little respect, and don't be afraid to take them out back if they step out of line. 

6. Thinking that your way is the right way. Seriously. Your way is not the right way. My way isn't right either, but it's the best I can do right now. 

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  1. OMG! I want to go apeshit on parents who smoke with their kids in the car. I am a teacher, and so many of my students come in smelling like ashtrays. It's awful, and their parents should be reported to the authorities.

  2. First time clicking around the link-up, and I’m loving it. I didn’t participate this week, but I’m on for next!

    Smoking with kids in the car...grrr.

    Also, #5 is also a pet peeve of mine, big time.

    Nice meeting you.

  3. Ahhh!! I love this!! These are all pet peeves of mine too!
    And that California law? I had no clue, but I know it's not a law here (MN)...but it should be.
    GREAT post!!

  4. AGHH I wish we had the same smoking law in TN that you do in Cali. But this is the south and they will probably never pass that law. Too many hillbillies who think its ok to smoke around their kids. it disgusts me when i see pregnant girls. stopping in from Mama Kats!

  5. JDaniel doesn't like his carseat. I can't imagine letting him go without it.

  6. love your list. i'm pretty bad about the cussing thing.

  7. I have to agree with you on all accounts.

    I was riding behind a person who was smoking in the car ahead of me and it came through my vents and it made me nauseous.

    I don't know how I ever used to hang out in bars that were filled with it during my single days. Nor do I know how I survived riding in a car with my grandparents as both my grandma and her sister chain smoked with the windows up. Sigh...MEMORIES!

  8. Since I don't have kids, I really try to avoid judging parents. I mean, I haven't been there.

    But what really bugs me is when people assume I don't know anything about kids or how to handle/treat them just because I don't have any.


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