Saturday, July 23, 2011

Potty Training Time!

BK is two now, and you know what that means, right? We’re deep in PT territory.

I don’t really remember what I did with Bug, but whatever I did, it was the wrong thing. It took FOREVER to potty train her. Seriously, it was like close to a year before she really got it. I vowed that if I ever had another child, I would do it differently.

So, I have another child, and I’m doing it differently. Or maybe exactly the same, since I don’t really remember.

To BK’s credit, he is doing really well. If I tell him to go pee pee in the toilet, he goes. And he doesn’t just sit there, he actually goes. I’m not pushing him, and he seems to like that.

In the morning, we have a routine. I get BK up, take of his diaper, have him use the potty, and then let him have some naked time while I finish getting ready. I read somewhere that letting a kid be naked is the best way to get them to learn.

So, yesterday morning, I was getting ready, and BK was having his naked time. But then he grabbed my hand and led me to his room.

“Diaper,” he said, pointing to his changing table.

“What’s the matter, Son? Do you have to go pee pee?”

“No.” And then he pointed to his butt. His verbal skills aren’t the best, but he gets his point across.

“You have to go poo poo?”

“Uh-huh. Diaper.”

“No, Son. Go poo poo in the toilet if you need to.”


Well, I couldn’t be bothered with that. He would go in the diaper as soon as I put it on him. He could wait until I finished putting on my make up.

30 seconds later, I heard BK from his bedroom. “Uh-oh!”

Oh, Lord. Uh-oh is right. Guess what was smack in the middle of BK’s bedroom? It wasn’t rose petals.

“BK! We don’t go poo poo on the carpet! Messy! We go poo poo in the toilet!”


Ugh. “It’s ok, Bubby. Mommy will clean it up.”

“Mommy… mess.”

Way to blame it on me, Dude.
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  1. Hi there!! I on Potty Training Time too! My daughter is 15 months old.. and well I have no idea how to potty train her.. I bought her the potty but she rather plays with it! :)
    sometimes i leave her with no diaper but she only cries after she pees... and is just a mess. :/


  2. I dreaded potty training so much with my three year old and it ended up being so easy. I think the level of difficulty has way more to do with the kid than it does with the method.

  3. JDaniel has to sit with my iPad to poop.

  4. For my daughter and son, I waited till they were past 2 years, (nearly 3 y/o for my son) and bought super nice undies. They were potty trained overnight. However,day care folks thought I was crazy to wait so long and were pretty annoyed.

  5. Try using a timer. Both our kids were trained over a weekend, daughter in a day. A few days before explain "on Saturday we're not going to wear a diaper, but instead underwear and we need to keep it clean. When the timer beeps, it's time to sit on the potty and try". Load em up with CapriSun (rare treat for us), set the timer for 20 minutes. I also think it's key not to start too early, 2 1/2 was perfect for us. Good luck!


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