Friday, August 5, 2011

Conversations with Bug

Mommy, how do you know when my birthday is?

I was there. I was with you when you were born.

I was in your tummy?

Yes, Bug. You were in my tummy and you were born, and that’s your birthday.

But how did I get out of your tummy?

Umm, well….

Is there a hole?

Well, yes, there is a hole.

I don’t see any hole. Where is it?

Do I tell her? I don’t want to lie. She’s only 5, can she handle it? Will she ask what else could fit in said hole? 

Do you have to cut your belly open and make a hole?

Well, some people do, although I didn’t.

Oh, I don’t think I would like that. Doesn’t it hurt?

Yes, it hurts very much.

Why do people do it then?

Well, some people want a baby so bad that they’re willing to go through the pain, because they know the reward will be worth it. That how it was for me. I knew it was going to hurt, but I wanted a baby so bad, I was willing to go through some pain to get what I wanted.

I don’t think I want anything THAT bad.


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  1. Whew...I got cut - so another question I won't have to worry about :)

    Cute conversation!!!

  2. So cute! Times like these make me grateful that I had a C-Section. It's much easier to explain!

  3. I remember being horrified when I found out exactly where babies come from. I swore I would NEVER do that. And, gee...I haven't...


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