Thursday, September 22, 2011


I’m joining in on 5 Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama today-- you write for 5 minutes and then post whatever comes out, no editing allowed. Today’s topic is Growing. I’m guessing that many people wrote about their kids, or maybe their spirituality. I don’t roll that way.

So, there’s a spider on the wall next to me. In my mind, he’s huge. Easily the size of my fist.

He’s getting bigger before my eyes, constantly growing. I feel like soon he’ll be able to cocoon me up in his web himself.

But it’s all about perspective. In reality, he might be the size of my pinkie finger nail. But because of my fear, he’s huge.

I can remember as a little girl, my father was trying to get me to kill a spider in the garage. “Just step on it,” he kept saying. But I was wearing sandals and no socks. In my memory, the spider was bigger than my foot. If I stepped on him, his hairy legs would be floundering outside the edges of soles.

I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t do it. My father had to physically pick up my foot and place it on the spider, while I sobbed and screamed.

I was scarred for life. Or I was scared for life. Whatever.

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  1. Ack!! How *do* spiders do that!?!? They seriously do get bigger and bigger the longer you look at them. I hate them.
    Thanks for this ;)
    (here via gypsy mama)

  2. Nice way to tackle Growing! It is amazing how our fears can grow larger than life if we let them!

  3. the black hairy ones are the worst. . . just sayin'. keep looking for ways of conquering your fears. you're right--they have a way of warping our perspective. i just hate that!

  4. Excellent post about what fear can do to distort reality.


  5. Bless your heart. That was traumatic. Only a dad would do that to a kid ... not a mom. :o) I don't like spiders either!!!! Scream!

    My husband and I used to ride 4 wheelers. When my husband would see a spider web up ahead of us, he would duck and BOOM, the spider would be on my face! Just the thought now makes me was to scream.

  6. This reminds me of years ago when I stared wearing contact lenses. I would dream that the contact was as big as my palm and would stress "how am I going to get this in my eye!"

  7. Okay - I shudder just reading that. I can deal with snakes and all kinds of bugs, but spiders just squick me out for some reason.

  8. Oh, eek! I can't stand spiders!

    I was pulling a suitcase down from an upper shelf of my closet the other day and a spider was crawling on the wall. Freaked me right out!

    Oh, and I'm amazed that you could write a whole story in 5 minutes. Impressive!


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