Wednesday, May 11, 2011

When it's OK to Say...

So, all four of us were out in the backyard the other day after dinner, just hanging out. BK was in a folding lounge chair, being his cute self. Bug was kicking a ball around. The Agent was whispering to me about some of the naughty stuff he was going to do to me later, and I was pretending to be shocked.

Suddenly, BK felt the need to stand up in the chair. “BK, sit down on your bottom,” I warned. Instead of sitting down, BK grabbed the arm of the chair, and then took a nose dive over the edge, falling to the ground and causing the chair to topple over him.

“Oh, shit!” Bug yelled.

The Agent righted the chair and I scooped up BK. He was totally fine. After that crisis was diverted, we both looked at Bug. “What did you say?” The Agent asked.

“Shit.” Softer this time, she knows that’s not an ok word in this house.

“We do not say that word,” The Agent chastised.

“Well, Mommy says it.”

Mother of the year award, right here.

“Well, Mommy shouldn’t say that word, either,” I told Bug. “I’ve been working on not saying it anymore, but I’ll work harder. Deal?”

Deal. That was the end of it.

Except The Agent got all philosophical on me.

“You know,” The Agent said thoughtfully. “I don’t think shit is such a bad word. I’m not saying I want her saying it in front of other people, but it was very appropriate for the situation. What was she supposed to say? ‘Oh, darn, my brother just fell and cracked his head open. Oh, shucks.’ She gave the most appropriate response I can think of. It’s completely ok. Hey! You should blog about that! Blog about when it’s ok to say shit!”

So I did.

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  1. ha. i think she definitely used it in context. hope bk is ok.

  2. I hope he is okay! I also have a husband like that. His deal is who decided it was a curse word as opposed to any other words. Why is it a bad word, he says this stuff all the time! He makes a good point though, why does everyone care so bad especially if it's used in context. He's a rebel I tell ya! :)

  3. Ha! I can see the agent's point of view in this situation.

  4. Perhaps you should start using words like 'shrinkage' and 'ball sack', wonder how your hubby would handle those ones??

  5. I have to admit, as someone who is NOT a mom, that I think it's hilarious when little kids drop a swear word now and then. And I think it's even funnier when they use it in the right context.

    I'm glad BK is all right, btw!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I agree with The Agent that "Shit" is ok in certain situations. And it's probably bad to say this, but sometimes, it's cute when kids say words that they shouldn't say. But I'm not a mom, so feel free to correct me. Glad your kid's ok!

  8. So true!
    I recall being in high school and my friend SMASHED her toe in front of her mom and her mom looked at her, hopping on one foot while biting her tongue, and said "You can say right now, it is appropriate". My friend released a big, fat "F***!" and we all laughed.
    At times, those forbidden words are the best out there!

  9. They are cute when said by little ones, not so cute when said by bigger ones. LOL.

  10. a teacher, I can tell you how it has become ok apparently in most homes to say "it sucks" and they use it in school. Personally I wish it had not become ok to say.
    So turning your head to giggle when one slips out, I get that. And I giggled at your post. Thanks for the cute story, and I hope he is ok.


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