Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The Topic: Write about a time a friend left you speechless.

So, there’s a girl I know who had a baby last week.

She claims she didn’t know she was pregnant.

I feel dumb because I had just seen her on Friday and I didn’t notice. In my defense, she wears her clothes baggy, and has always been a bit on the frumpy side. Still, she was never fat, you would think I would have noticed if she was hiding a basketball under her sweatshirt.

So, here’s what happened. She went to work on Monday, everything was fine. She went to bed Monday night. In the middle of the night, early Tuesday morning, she woke up and couldn’t get comfortable. She got up, went to the bathroom. Almost immediately, she felt like she had to pee again. She went to the bathroom again. Peed for days.

(my water never broke, so I cannot attest to this, but my friends who have say that this is what it feels like, except if you try to stop it mid stream, you can’t)

So, she went back to bed, and then started having intense stomach cramps. Writhing in pain. Her husband asked if he should call an ambulance-- he thought maybe she had appendicitis. She said no, but he should drive her to the hospital because something is seriously wrong.

He took her to the ER, she gave her symptoms to the intake nurse, they told her to sit in a wheelchair. She said no, it hurt to sit (that‘s because the baby's head was crowning). She stayed standing up, dealing with the pain, waiting for some drugs, and she felt like she had to go to the bathroom, but this time, Number 2. She’s not even in a room yet, so she goes to the bathroom in the ER waiting room.

And there, she pushed out a 6 and a half pound baby girl while on the toilet.

I know, gross, right? And I would totally call BS if I didn’t hear it straight from the horse’s mouth!

So, she thinks she’s going to the bathroom, but has a baby instead. She starts screaming, the nurses and her husband come in, the nurses run for a doctor, everything is taken care of.

Mom has been released from the hospital, baby is still there. I don’t think anything is wrong with her, I think they’re probably keeping the baby to make sure she’s ok, and I have to believe there’s an ongoing CPS investigation.  I mean, seriously. This is the act of a very scared teenager, someone extremely naïve, or someone seriously mentally disturbed. This is not the behavior of a 30-something married woman with a college degree.

I’m telling you, the whole story left me speechless.

Mama's Losin' It

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  1. This story kind of leaves me speechless. One one hand I can't find any words to say about her but on the other hand I find myself saying how could she not know she was pregnant? I mean really, a 30 year old woman could not feel that she was gaining weight, eating all the time, something was kicking her ribs from inside her body! She couldn't tell by any of those things that she was pregnant. That is just insane and kind of leaves me speechless.


  2. Stopping by from Mama Kat! That is absolutely unbelievable!! WTH! How can you not know that you are pregnant?! I don't get it! Did she not get her period or think any of the other symptoms were odd to have? Or did she not have any of them?! How bizarre! I'm speechless too now!

  3. I have to agree with Leah, how can you miss that many periods and not know? even with most Birth control pills you get a period. I can not imagine the freakishness of this.

  4. Sounds like something straight out of that TLC show about people who had no idea they were pregnant - I don't understand how you can't tell in nine whole months that something is going on with your body. Hope the little girl is ok!!!

  5. OMG!! You hear about stories like these and seriously, I can never understand how someone can not know they are pregnant. How scary thought to think you're going #2 but instead...a BABY comes out?! Funny on one hand but scary on another. I will be one of those funny stories she'll share later. Like with her baby's friends!!! LOL!

  6. oh wow. just wow. ok i have to ask is this the one that was doing all the crazy stuff before?

  7. This is a crazy story...but very good post! :) My babies were dancing and flipping in my tummy so I can't understand how someone can have a living little being inside them and not know it! Yet,this story is proof that it happens! :) Thanks for sharing...
    Stopping by from Mama Kat's

  8. Wow. I'm speechless, too. This is one of the most interesting stories I've read in a long time. But like what everyone else said, how can she not know she was pregnant?! At 30? And she's married? Wow, her mind must have been really preoccupied with something else much more attention-catching than something moving inside her tummy.

    Here from Mama Kat's. :)

  9. I hear about these stories from time to time. I never would have thought it was possible until one of my friends was pregnant and didn't know it until her 5th month.

  10. Holy WOW! You hear about this stuff, but I have to admit, I rarely believe it. Thanks for the amazing story!

  11. Yeah I have seen these stories a lot on that show on TV but always wonder to myself, really? How do you NOT know? It happens, and it happens more often than we all think so it's obviously possible.

  12. i roomed with a girl in college who didnt know she was pregnant until the baby was big enough to kick and feel from the outside. So she knew for the last 3 months. Stories like this are almost unbelievable.. but like you said, when you know them and see them and stuff, its hard to not believe they really didnt know!

  13. Wow - just like the show I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. I hate to call someone a liar, but seriously, how can you NOT know? But then, I think I'm pregnant EVERY month - I'm hungry, my boobs are sore, I'm a day late. The day that I actually am pregnant, my husband is never going to believe me.

  14. I have heard of this kind of thing happening several times over the years and it absolutely astounds me. I can't imagine how it could possibly be true. My babies kicked the living sh@it out of me!

  15. Um, yeah. Speechless over here, too. And that *never* happens to me!

  16. As a nurse and a woman... WTH??? I had a tumor and didn't know it, but that's a little different than a brand-new person!!!!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. You cracked me up!

  17. She didn't feel the baby moving or anything? Hmmmm! I can't say anything since I've never been pregnant but WOW!

  18. One of my mom's friends woke up one night with some serious abdominal pain and went to the hospital, only to find out she was in labor with a full term baby! She'd already had three boys, and was told they couldn't have any more kids, so she just attributed all the signs to menopause because she didn't get a belly like with her other children. She said it was so weird to not have a baby one day, then come home with one without any type of preperation at all. If your friend's baby was only sixish pounds, then it might not have been full term. I wish her a happy, healthy baby!


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