Thursday, August 25, 2011


The Assignment: 
This week’s assignment will require the fewest number of words ever: we want you to write a story – your choice of topic – as a tweet.

I had fun with this topic, so I wrote a couple different ones. I've always been a girl of few words. 


Waiting for years, miscarriages and stillbirths, waiting for a miracle. When you finally look in her eyes, you know it was all worth it.


She walks alone, not because she has to, but because she wants to. He'll never understand her, because he's never had to walk in her shoes.


The baby is sleeping across her lap as she stares at the computer, waiting to be inspired. Does her lap make a comfy bed? Not likely.

(I wrote this one while BK was asleep on my lap and I was trying to decide what to write!)


"It's not hard," he tells her. "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." Which is fine, except she'd rather stab his back than scratch it.

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  1. You're a natural! LOVE the versions that you picked- and I adore the photo that you added!

  2. Oooo....would love to know the "back" story behind the last one! lol

  3. HA! Love that last one! And I have also posted many a tweet about the lap situation. It would seem, by general consensus, that the lap is indeed comfy (I have pics that prove it.. quite similar to yours! haha).

  4. You did great! I wrote about my Miracles as well!
    I love the picture too!

  5. Yup. That last one is my fave! Love the play on words, and I want to know what he did to piss her off!

  6. Love them all. And the picture is great!

  7. Love them all. But that last one made me howl!

  8. I love all of them too! Great job with the prompt!

  9. I love the last one too! They're all great.

  10. I love them, but the last one made me laugh out loud.

    And to a child? I don't think there's a better bed than a mama's lap.

  11. Wow, you're good at this! Love the second to last one...that picture is adorable :) And the last one really had a punch, would LOVE to know the rest of the story.

  12. These are all wonderful! I really like the walk in her shoe's "tweet" Well done!

  13. LOVE ALL OF THEM! I wrote quite a few too but I'm going to post them to twitter - that's going to be my new twitter thing, posting short stories - this was a really good prompt.

  14. LOVE ALL OF THEM! I wrote quite a few too but I'm going to post them to twitter - that's going to be my new twitter thing, posting short stories - this was a really good prompt.

  15. It can be addicting, this tweet writing. Bits of memoir followed by a great story.
    Loved them all.

  16. Loved these! They're so touching, but that last one, I totally want more of it. ;) Because it's got the mystery feel in there.

  17. They were all wonderful, but my favorite was that last one.

  18. Those flowed so awesome! The last one made me laugh out loud.

  19. I bet you can't guess which ones were my favorites.

    The first and the last. Too sweet and true and too dang FUNNY!

  20. Fantastic. I love that photo - and no, I can't imagine it being very comfy. ;) Of course the last tweet had me in stitches. You have another reader wanting to know the rest of the story! ;)

  21. Thesevare awesome. I love the second one.

  22. Thesevare awesome. I love the second one.

  23. They were all very fun. Love how some were mommy stuff, and some were darker.

  24. Those were great :) Thank you for sharing them.

  25. The 3rd and 4th ones were my favorites - they really told a story and painted a picture in my head, even without the one included (oh, how many times I've written with a sleeping baby in my lap).

    The 4th one really made me curious about the story, and I think I may have laughed as I read it.. It really grabbed your attention.

    Nice job.

  26. Looks like you had a great time with this one! Really like the one at the end! :>

  27. I really like the last one!! That's right up my alley!!

    I'm on wordpress now, but still have a google account.

  28. Oh you're good!!
    I love the last one! Sometimes I'd like to get a little stabby.

  29. The lap nap tried its best to sway me, but I love the last one best! Nice work.

  30. my fave is the last one. totally been there.

  31. Those were so good!

    It's amazing how much can be said with so few words.


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