Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What are you so happy about?


I've been reading along with this meme for awhile, but I don't usually post. I try to limit the amount of linky parties I participate in, and I do quite a bit already.  But I love reading what makes other people happy each week, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  Bonus:  there’s a giveaway for a Target gift card if you play, and I’m all about fabulous prizes. Makes me happy!

So happy that I have the entire week off work. I’m not going on vacation or anything, I’m just hanging out with Bug all week. I told her that for every day, we were going to do a little school work, a little housework, and then something fun. This has been working really well so far. I’m getting stuff accomplished, and Bug is having fun. And, even better, Bug has been really good for the most part. SO happy!

I have also told Bug that every day we are going to “rest” for an hour. This will allow me to relax and be off the mommy clock for awhile, and it puts Bug in a better mood for the rest of the afternoon. Naptime makes me happy!

The Agent has been working on my new house every night and weekend. Playing single parent does NOT make me happy, but going over there each week to see the progress makes me VERY happy! He is working on the master shower now. He will hopefully have it completely done by the end of next week. Happy!

Yesterday was the first day that it really felt like fall here. I even wished for a sweater when I was at the park with Bug. Fall weather makes me happy! And while we’re on the subject, pumpkin spice lattes, stew cooking in the crockpot all day, my Uggs, and a fire in the fireplace make me happy!

New books make me happy. I just finished reading A Dog’s Purpose. So good! I recommend it to everyone. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll think, you’ll feel good after reading it. It’s basically about a dog who gets reincarnated over and over again until he finds out what his purpose is, but it‘s also a love story, and a story about how people act in our world. You don’t have to be a dog lover to enjoy it, but I’ll warn you: of course it’s a little sad each time the dog dies.

Flowers make me happy. Bug and I pulled a bunch of weeds at the new house and planted some fall flowers. There’s still a bunch of weeds, it still looks a little sad, but at least it’s getting better. Happy!

What are you happy about this week?

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  1. fabulous happy list! sounds like the perfect mix of a week off. and an hour of quiet time is ideal every day!

    good luck with the new house. and yay for fall!

    thanks for stopping by!

  2. This post has reminded me to make a crock-pot dinner soon...such a cozy fall thing to do!!

  3. Lovely things to be happy about. Especially the week off work! Huzzah!

    I think naps are so necessary, especially for growing brains. :)

  4. Great happy stuff! I wish I could take some time off and have a NAP!

    Enoy :)

  5. that book sounds like something i would really enjoy..thanks for the recommendation!

    i hope you will join in the happy list from time to time!

    thanks for linking up!

  6. Sounds like a great book! I'll have to read it! Thanks!!

    A very good happy list! I love seeing what other people are happy about! Makes me realize that other things I forgot to be happy about! Thanks!

  7. Oh, naps make me soooo happy! I'm jealous you have a week off work. Enjoy!

  8. Oooh! A whole week off! Wow. A week of just hanging out. That must be heaven. That is def a happy maker. :)

  9. So cool abot your new house! All the single parent time will be worth it! :) so excited for you!

  10. That's a really cool meme.

    And, wow! You have so many things to be happy about! I'm really excited for your new house.


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