Sunday, October 30, 2011

BK weighs a little less now

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My Darlings. I’ve been neglecting you. There’s been so much going on, I can barely think straight.

Let’s start with the reason I had Wednesday and Thursday off. We took BK to the hospital on Wednesday for a minor surgery. No big deal, nothing serious.

We got him circumcised. Yes, he’s two. And a half. I'm the worse mom ever.

We got BK when he was two weeks old, and he wasn’t circumcised. We had until he was 30 days old to do it. After day 30, he’d have to be completely knocked out to do it, and that’s more dangerous for a young baby. So, we were going to do it. We were able to get the doctor’s appointment on day 29, just under the wire. I even wrote about on my old blog.

We had to cancel the appointment at the 11th hour because we couldn’t get the court order in time (we had to get a court order to do any kind of elective surgery before the adoption was final.). We were able to finally get the court order, but after day 30. Anesthesia would have to be used now, and we couldn’t do that for an elective surgery until after the adoption was final.

So we waited. BK’s adoption wasn’t finalized until he was almost a year old. Personally, I thought we had missed our window. He was too old, he was going to remember, he was going to play with it, it was going to scar… I was completely ok with never getting it done.

The Agent was in favor of getting it done. He said that it was important for him to look like his Daddy.

“But Agent,” I pleaded. “It’s too late. He’s too big.”

“I’m telling you, the guys in the locker room will talk about him if he doesn’t get it done,” The Agent answered.

“Really? How could they? It doesn’t even look that different.”

The Agent stared at me. “Really, Lovely? Have you ever even looked at me?”

I know. I was grasping at straws.

After 18 months, I told The Agent we could do it if he set everything up: he’d have to make the appointments, go to the pre-op, everything. The Agent agreed.

I really didn’t expect anything to come of it. The Agent’s such a procrastinator, he would never make the calls, do the paperwork, go to the appointments.

But he did it all. And I found myself in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting for BK to come out of surgery.

He did really well. “No problems,” the surgeon told us after wards. “He made it easy: the little guy has a lot of penis to work with.”

The Agent grinned proudly. “That’s my boy!” he said happily. “Just like his Daddy!”

Ugh. Apparently he had conveniently forgotten that they don’t carry the same genetic code.

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  1. Just two things. 1) You're definitely NOT the "worst mom ever". 2) To your man, I can only say, "Good grief." :)
    The Beauty of Eclecticism

  2. Poor little guy! You aren't the worst mom in the world I promise. A little pain now will save him tons of emotional pain later! He'll thank you I'm sure.

  3. i think it's a good thing. yay for the agent for following through. and that's hilarious.

  4. The Agent is hilarious. :-)

    I'm glad everything went well. He'll thank you later for this.

  5. Wow...I'm sure that was a tough decision. I think you were wise to let Daddy make it.


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