Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Memorable Date

(I originally wrote this a couple years ago, but it fits the topic and it's an entertaining story!)

I was not a big dater in my dating days. I would rather snuggle on the couch with someone I care about than get dressed up every Saturday night in an effort to impress a guy I barely knew. I’ve been on a very few first dates that didn’t turn into a long term relationship.

There was one notable exception, a first date that had the makings of a hit romantic comedy. I think I’ve mentioned George before. He hung out at the same coffeehouse that I did. I would sit at the bar and write my poetry and flirt shamelessly with the bartender. I never noticed George, who sat two stools away, and who was always there when I sat down.

So I was surprised on the day that George asked me out. But I was single, and I wasn’t getting anywhere with the bartender. And George had tickets to see The Phantom of the Opera in San Francisco. I said yes.

After an uneventful drive into the city, we parked the car in a garage. We were going to dinner before the opera started, and George had reservations at an Italian place near the park, but he didn’t know which way we needed to walk. He asked a passing bum if he knew the way.

“Sure I know,” the bum answered. “You got any money?”

George gave him two singles. The bum looked at it, then back at George. “This all you got?” George handed him a five, and then the bum gave us directions… the exact opposite way we needed to go.

We walked all around the park, near the Exploratorium, still having a nice time, just chatting about our lives. But it was starting to get dark, and I was still enough of a small town girl to be worried about being lost in the city after dark. George found a pay phone, called the restaurant, and got directions. We were back on track again. As we passed an ATM machine, George stopped, saying he wanted to get cash out before going to the restaurant.

George put his card in, but instead of getting cash, an error message appeared, saying that the machine was out of service. Then the machine went black. Not only did we not get cash, but George lost his ATM card.

I was beginning to get worried.

George assured me that everything was ok, he could just use his credit card. We got to the restaurant, had a great dinner. Time to go to the opera.

You know what happened.

His credit card was declined.

As George negotiated with the restaurant manager, I debated calling my father. Not to pay, mind you. It did not even cross my mind to have me or anyone I knew pay even one cent of this dreadful night. No, I was more interested in getting home. George could stay and do dishes all night, but I had a mid-term in the morning.

It didn’t come to that. George ended up calling his mother, she gave her credit card number over the phone, the meal was paid for. We were free to go.

Unfortunately, we had already missed the beginning of the show, George was embarrassed, and I was turned off. I hinted that I had a lot of studying to do for my test the next day.

George took me home.

(I’m not even going to mention how he took the parking attendant around the corner and did Lord knows what in order to get the car out of the garage… or how he drove the wrong way down a one way street… twice)

George never asked me out again. Even worse, I never even saw him again-- he never again went into the coffeehouse while I was there.

I always thought it was because he was so embarrassed… but maybe he was upset that I didn’t even offer to help him out. Hey! I was a starving college student! And he was the one who asked me out! And I didn’t even get to see the Opera!

Several months ago, George found me on Facebook. Here is our email exchange:

HIM: No way you are the same girl I took to see phantom of the opera. No way. I only say that cause I make that as a "bar" of dates ever since.

ME: That's me! I've written stories about our crazy date in the city!

HIM: HA! I wonder if you tell the story in the same way I do. Just so long as you don't leave out the best part - me offering the waiter my watch as payment. Boy, was my face red. Sorry about that.

I had NO IDEA he tried to offer his watch as payment!

Mama's Losin' It

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  1. Great post and wow, definitely not a great first date. Here from Mama Kat's.

  2. awww. he sounds like he was really trying. but obviously it was just not meant to be.

  3. I remember this one. Still a CRAZY story! And I can't believe he offered the waiter his watch!


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